Ok, so i have to tell you guys something that will blow your fucking minds, I am only 13 years old. I shouldn't be making porn, which is why I stopped, but I'm addicted. I can't stop. I don't know how to break free, I'm questioning my sexuality.
I am posting again!
Westland Michigan!!!
Joined on 3/30/22
Posted by TheCuteArtist - July 11th, 2023
Ok, so i have to tell you guys something that will blow your fucking minds, I am only 13 years old. I shouldn't be making porn, which is why I stopped, but I'm addicted. I can't stop. I don't know how to break free, I'm questioning my sexuality.
Hello! I’m glad you stopped considering you are a minor. But unfortunately I do not have an answer, addictions like these are not easy to get rid of so I can’t help you, I really wish I could. All I can suggest is to turn off A ratted tags and maybe try to distract yourself from these thoughts like playing games, listening to your favorite music, or maybe talk to some of your friends! If you don’t have anyone available atm then me DMs are always open :)
I’m rooting for you, and good luck!